They want to believe and feel what makes them feel safe and good. They think they know me better than I know myself but they do not.
I do feel like I am living a lie and the general population is ignorant about pedophilia. However, I am very attracted to boys that I don't really know or other men who loves boys too. I almost see him as my own kid and that kills the attraction. I have not acted out on my attractions because once I get to know a boy personally, I am not attracted to him anymore. For reasons outside of being a pedophile, I started working with boys. While I continue to jumpstart my career, I have found limited job opportunities. I am neither attracted to men nor women just boys. For the longest time, I thought I was gay which was weird because I had a few same-sex experiences and did not enjoy it. I think that is why it took me so long to realize that I am a pedophile. I never acted on my attraction because I was never around boys. Ever since I was 12, I knew I had an attraction to boys ages 7-12.